Through the Lens: Empowering Entrepreneurs with Personal Branding Photography with Carina Fleckner

Step into the vibrant world of Carina Fleckner, a personal branding photographer on a mission to capture the essence of small business owners and entrepreneurs. In this interview, Carina shares the most fulfilling aspects of her work, from witnessing transformations to building genuine connections with her clients. Discover how she navigates common concerns, addresses imposter syndrome, and prioritizes self-care in an industry often consumed by hustle culture.

What's a typical day in your life look like?

When I wake up I have “me time” until 10am. During that time I might move my body or do a meditation, but a slow and delicious breakfast is always something I look forward to.

I start working at 10am and the tasks vary, but everything is mostly done on my desktop computer. I edit photos, reply to emails, write my newsletters or articles for my blog, plan photoshoots with clients on Zoom, record videos for my YouTube channel, etc.

I have a lunch break and I like watching a short show on TV while I eat to help me disconnect.

Then I work a bit more and sometimes I go for a walk or do some stretches in the afternoon because I usually spend a lot of time sitting in front of my computer.

In the evening I might cook or go over to my boyfriend's so he can cook for me ;) In winter I tend to spend more time at home watching a movie in my pajamas and drinking hot tea or cacao before bed.

Photoshoot days are different as I spend more time outside, but in general that’s what a typical day in my life looks like.

What is the most rewarding part of your work?

The most rewarding part of my work as a personal branding photographer is the opportunity to witness the transformation and empowerment that comes with capturing the unique stories of small business owners and entrepreneurs. I find a lot of joy in helping them articulate their personal brand through powerful imagery.

Seeing my clients gain confidence, clarity, and a renewed sense of self through the images we create is truly gratifying. I don’t only show up and take photos; I collaborate with them to visually communicate their brand essence because these images become a visual representation of their passion, dedication, and authenticity.

Also, I find it incredibly fulfilling to build genuine connections with small business owners. I get to learn about their journeys, goals, and dreams, and being able to translate those narratives into compelling visuals is a privilege. Knowing that my work contributes to their success, whether it's by enhancing their online presence, attracting clients, or boosting their brand identity, brings me a deep sense of satisfaction.

What would you say is a common question or concern you get from your clients/followers?

One common concern that frequently arises from my clients and followers revolves around feeling comfortable and authentic during the photoshoot. My clients are not professional models and usually feel uncomfortable in front of the camera. Addressing this concern involves creating a relaxed and collaborative environment. There's a lot of planning before the photoshoot and that helps foster a connection that allows them to not only express their genuine personality, but also feel guided and prepared.

Besides that, clients often ask about the best way to prepare for a personal branding photoshoot, expressing concerns about wardrobe choices, location selection, and overall styling that aligns with their brand identity. This can be easily answered by not only providing guidance but also understanding their unique story and vision to tailor the visuals accordingly. My photoshoots include a welcome email with lots of useful information, my brand vision questionnaire, a strategy session in person or via Zoom, a photoshoot action plan, and other emails with tips to feel confident on their shoot day.

Other questions and concerns are about the process of creating a compelling personal brand through photography. Many people are curious about the steps involved, from the initial consultation to the final delivery of images. I make it a point to communicate transparently about timelines, what the process is, and ensure that the final results meet or exceed their expectations.

Overall, understanding and addressing these common questions and concerns is an integral part of my approach as a personal branding photographer. It's not just about taking photographs; it's about guiding my clients through a seamless and enjoyable process that results in images that authentically represent who they are and what they stand for.

What would you say has been your biggest obstacle in launching a successful career? How have you overcome it?

It was very challenging at the beginning because I was still building my portfolio and trying to gain credibility. Without a diverse portfolio, it was difficult to attract paying clients. So I offered discounted shoots to local businesses to gain exposure and start building my portfolio. I also actively shared my work on social media platforms to increase visibility.

Building a client base and gaining people’s trust was, and still is, crucial for my success. So networking, attending events, collaborating with local businesses, and having a referral program are some of the things I do to achieve my business goals.

What are you committed to doing no matter what happens?

I’m committed to my well-being and making choices that are aligned with my values.

Where might you be found on a Saturday afternoon with no plans?

If the weather is good I’ll be out and about at a farmer’s market, walking on the beach or sitting in the sun at Balboa Park.

If it’s cold and rainy I’ll be home reading a good book or listening to music. Oh and binge watching something on Netflix is also a possibility :)

Hustle culture and burnout is so prominent in our community. How do you prioritize self care?

The hustle culture promotes the idea that success only comes to those who work nonstop. But I believe it's very important to balance hard work with rest for more sustainable achievements. There are a few actions I take in order to prioritize self care and avoid burnout, and I’d like to share the 3 top ones:

1. Setting boundaries: I had to learn to say no to things that were not aligned with my values, have clear working hours, and create a healthy balance between work and personal time.

2. Creating a self-care routine: That means doing activities that bring me joy daily. It doesn’t have to be big things, but making time for a slow breakfast in the morning, short walks in the neighborhood, hanging out with friends, or even a 10 minute yoga practice makes a huge difference in my well-being.

3. Investing in personal development: When you invest time in your growth and mindset, you set yourself up for success and have more awareness of what feels good for you and your body.

Same goes for imposter syndrome. How do you combat those feelings (if any)?

Imposter syndrome can be challenging and it’s so common! Some of the things I find very useful to combat those feelings are:

Understand that perfection is unattainable. Embrace the idea that making mistakes and experiencing setbacks is a normal part of any journey. View failures as opportunities for growth and learning.

Acknowledge and celebrate your successes, the big and small wins. Keep a record of your achievements to remind yourself of your capabilities.

Ask yourself if your thoughts are based on facts or if they are distorted perceptions. Sometimes talking to other people about how you’re feeling can help you understand how others perceive you and provide you with proof that those negative feelings were created from self-doubt rather than reality.

Overcoming imposter syndrome is an ongoing process, and it's normal to have moments of doubt. I’m always working towards cultivating a more positive mindset and I was recently reminded of how keeping a success journal can also serve as evidence of your competence. Make sure you document positive feedback, achievements, and instances where you overcame challenges.

What accomplishment are you most proud of, both in your personal and professional life?

An accomplishment I’m very proud of is to be able to live a life that is aligned with my values and brings me joy, as opposed to just doing what “society” dictates. All my choices including my college degree, living abroad, learning languages, life experiences, changing careers and starting my own business at 40, choosing to not have kids, etc, contribute to me feeling proud and accomplished.

If you are a Manis Pass holder, what’s your favorite activity inside the Manis Pass?

It’s hard to pick one! I love our Cafecito con Pam on Fridays and I find the weekly office hours very useful. But in general, having access to all the workshops and this beautiful community makes being a Manis Pass holder a no-brainer!

Drink 🫖

What is Carina’s go-to drink?

I love my honey cinnamon latte with a strong espresso coffee! Oh and it has to be served in a mug and not a to-go cup!

Listening To 🎧

What is Carina listening to at the moment?

I love music and even though I don’t play any instruments, it adds so much joy to my life. I always have music playing in the background, and I love having a specific album or artist be the soundtrack of trips or activities I do. I’ve been listening to a lot of Brazilian artists now such as Marisa Monte and Maria Rita.

Your Truth 🗣️

What is a Carina’s truth?

I believe what I do with photography pushes people to become the best version of themselves, or at least it helps reveal that to the world.
My mission is to inspire and empower business owners to stop playing small and step into their brilliance by showing up with confidence.
That way they can use their super power to serve their community and help other people improve their lives too.
It creates a ripple effect that makes a positive impact on the world.
Also, not everybody wants or needs to have a six-figure business to be happy and I want to normalize creating a life on your own terms where people have their own definition of success.

Your Plug 🔌

What is Carina plugging today?

I have a Free Guide where I share what it takes to plan the utmost photoshoot to feel more confident & elevate your brand.

Currently there are three ways we can work together:

My Signature Collection: “The Ultimate Brand Experience”

My signature “The Ultimate Brand Experience” is where we create up to 1 year of gorgeous content in just 1 day! It’s so much MORE than a photoshoot, it’s a transformation that will positively impact your business & life.

My Bestseller Collection: “Elevate Your Brand”

This new collection was created for those who are not quite ready for a full day experience but need more than just a boost. It was the collection with the most votes in my Market Research. My clients are loving it!
It will elevate your brand and give you the confidence you need to show up for your business.

My Refresh Collection: “The Brand Boost”

The “Brand Boost” 2-hour session is perfect if you need to update the images on your website, or need photos for content that are relevant to what’s currently happening in your business. Whether you use it as your very first Personal Branding Photoshoot to get started or as a refresh because you need new images, this session will help you feel more confident to show up for your business.

More about Carina Fleckner

I help driven entrepreneurs transform their vision into reality through on-brand images that empower them to discover the best version of themselves in order to create a thriving business and a life they love. My superpower is to make my clients feel comfortable and confident.









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